Thursday, 3 December 2015

Paradigm and the meaning of teacher evaluation

Paradigm and the meaning of teacher evaluation

I still remember that, at the first class of leadership, Prof. Sufean mentioned that: Human beings are born to be GOOD. It needs knowledgeable leaders to lead people in the society. According to the historical Chinese master Kongzi, there are five elements for people to get balance in Yin and Yang(positive and negative). In supervision class, Prof. Sufean mentioned another opposite paradigm: Human beings are born to be BAD.
In this paradigm, human beings was thought to act in a negative way. As a workers or as a citizens, they don’t like to follow rules and regulations. They would be a lazy person and they would always cheat while doing or completing their works. They always give excuses and love to blame each others for any mistakes or careless that they have done earlier. Because of all the negative that they have, a strict supervision should be conduct so that the organizations still can gain profits even though they have some workers in this category. They would always been corrupted and dishonest too. They would also be an ineffective and inefficient person. While doing their task as a workers, they would perform in the lowest level as compared to the other workers in the same organizations.
For the paradigm “human beings are born to be bad”, those people who refers to this paradigm away show a lazy behavior which always cheat while doing or completing their works and do not like to follow the rules and regulations. People in the opposite views would like to know when, what, why and how they should to be good and achieve excellencies, effectiveness and be efficient. The people who active according to the paradigm ”human beings are born to be bad ” doing their jobs ineffective and inefficient. They always perform in the lowest level as compared to the other workers in the same organizations. They shows the negative attitudes to their works—always give excuses and love to blame each others for any mistakes or careless that they have done earlier. According to all above, people who hold this kind of thinking need strict supervision.
Teacher evaluation can be define as the systematic assessment of a teachers performance and/or qualifications in relation to the teachers defined professional role and the school districts missions. It also can be defined as the observation process to the teachers on how they carried out their defined assignments. The school administrators would look at their teachers effectiveness while conducting their class. The process of teacher evaluation would also been conduct by the students and also their parents. Besides that, colleagues, superiors and the community at large would also been involved in this process. The evaluation process could be in a formal way, normally conduct by the school administrator, or informal that would be conduct by their students and parents, together with their colleagues, superiors and the community. As a teacher, they are  aware that they are being constantly evaluated, be it in an informal or unsystematic manner. There were some important for the schools that conduct teachers evaluations.
Improvement of teaching performance, identification of in-service training  needs and promotion of improved communications are very important for teaching evaluation. Evaluation can bring about renewal of motivation. More effective classroom teaching, improved relationships with pupils and colleagues, more sharing  of ideas and problems, and a general improvement in the atmosphere of a school. Well conducted teacher evaluation gives an opportunity to teachers to get their contributions appreciated. Let's take the example  of  a teacher  who  has  adopted  an innovative approach, and teaches social studies by making use of different stamps. An evaluation system gives him a chance to  get his  efforts appreciated and  known to others.  The fact that self-esteem  is thus  boosted  is  considered  by  many  teachers to  be  as  important as  financial rewards.

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