Wednesday, 2 December 2015



In recent topic about the globalization of this century in a variety of hot discussion forum. One of the antecedent of topic of widespread discussion of globalization is that the ability to create a perception in the minds of the public that everything can connect without needing hindered by time and space. The digital revolution in an era of globalization appear to treat people in terms of speed of access to information. When space and time is not an obstacle anymore in the digital revolution, the communications links between people in different parts of the world will also participate accommodated therein. These circumstances it is possible people to exchange information, ideas, and even items to individuals in other parts of the world in a more intensive (McMichael, 2004).
Based on the perspective of consumer behavior, speed of access to information as a result of the digital revolution enables consumers to get as much information about the products offered by a company. In this case, consumers have greater accessibility to gather information about a product that is most suitable and appropriate to their needs (Schiffman, 2004). But the digital revolution in the marketing of many possible modifications to the product, service, marketing and advertising of the past climate. In terms of business of one of the real impact of that arise from the wave of globalization is the increasing number of competitors, competitors are other business that offer more benefits to consumers. This means that with the globalization of business competition, the scope of coverage includes not only the region but the wider world even to the level. In the competitive consumer viewed as a king, where producers have racing to serve the best interest for consumers and their product.
Robins provides a statement of success for the competition. He said there were two options are less competitive or innovative (Hutahaean, 2005). Departure from this thinking it will automatically organization or company must participate in the competition arena and claimed to be able to respond to any changes to the right if you want to survive and grow. Martins & Martins (2002) states that creativity and innovation has its own influence to change the values, thought patterns and behaviors that had previously been patterned on the next to join the organization affect the perfomance of their daily work. To create a new innovation is needed the creativity of the organization or the company itself. Kylen and Shani (2002) in writing stating that the majority of companies rely on the idea of ​​growth companies, design solutions, products and services that emerge from the creative minds.
The problem according to Leonard and Sensiper is creativity is not something that can occur spontaneously (Kylen, 2002). There are many external factors that played an important role in the stimulation and maximize creativity. So we can say the work climate within the organization will also be affecting the display of individual creativity. McKeena view of organizational climate is closely related to mood or atmosphere in the organization itself (Huatahaean 2005). It was confirmed by Isaken the opinion that the organizational climate is a variable that affects individual and organizational performance as the effects of organizational and psychological processes (Huatahaean 2005). The climate is perceived positively by employees, will bring an innovative behavior that emerge from the new thoughts that are not constrained and get support from the company. In addition, employees will have a positive perception of the functioning of the organization (Hutahaean, 2005). Thus creating a climate of creativity within an organization is very important to support and stimulate the creativity of the individuals in it.


a. Innovative

What is innovation? Most dictionaries give the meaning of innovation as an innovation or change. This sense be considered a bit loose and not so obvious.  According Ronger E. Miller (1971) innovation is an idea, practice or object that is considered by someone new. Spencer (1994) describes innovation is something that is considered a new and better than the old by an individual.
Glossary of Educational Technology (1995) also refers to innovation as an idea, concept or strategy that can enhance a practice.  ACEID (1977) also states that innovation is an effort to introduce a practice in order to bring about a social change. The practice need not be totally new, and potentially its Efficiency in a new context are the main criteria used in labeling it as innovation. The Emphasis is on change in terms of Providing a strategy to deal with a specific local or national problem.
Sufean Hussin (2001) in his paper at the Seminar on Education Policy and Management of state innovation means renewal, modification, or repair of ideas, goods, knowledge and creation of art and culture of civilizations with the purpose of fulfilling certain functions or to meet specific tastes or to meet specific markets. Zaltman et. al (1973) states innovation is an idea, practice or material artifact that looks new on the units that use it.  Oldham and Cuming (1996) also reflect the success of innovation is the first application of a product or process. Damapour (1991) states as generate innovation development and adoption of new ideas in the organization. From the above definition is easily concluded that the innovation can be described as: -
• A new tax
• Form and abstract maujud
• Under the reorganization process
• By using existing elements
• manifested as a unique, easy and valuable
Innovations made by creative people to build a new trend to be a leader or trendsetter (Pioneer), and thus the maximum opportunities in the ecosystem is a lot of competition. In general, there are innovations in two stages, namely individual level and organizational level. 

a. Individual Level
At this stage, innovations made by creative individuals with the means to gain knowledge, environmental review and further develop new ideas to produce a new technology or improving the quality of an object or to solve a problem. The term significant here is the modification.

b. Organization Level
At the organizational level, innovation is the key feature of a dynamic and open organization. Here, the organization is always alive and active and prospective customers to interact with the environment. The prospective nature to find new opportunities to control the situation or to gain maximum profit.
Innovative organization is an organization with the vision and strategic plan to carry out more intelligent, that is examining the characteristics of strength and use it to defend itself in an ecosystem, examines the weaknesses and formulate strategies to overcome any weakness in an efficient and quick, review of the ecosystem and identify the opportunities that exist to systematically obtained,  and launched the strategy, policies and procedures to combat the dangers and threats from outside and within the organization (Bryson and Kaufman, 1988) . Kelly and Littman (2000) in his book The Art of Innovation outlines the basic elements of innovation for any organization, especially corporations, namely: -

  1. Innovation begins with the awareness of all things and the environment, particularly on the matter favored by men and things that are troublesome and hated by humans.
  2. Innovations made to improve comfort and quality matters and things whatsoever preferred by human and otherwise reduce the problem of users and clients.
  3. A strong innovation occurs through consensus and discussion sessions on information and facts obtained from users, clients, society and environment. Consensus sessions occur on an ongoing basis.
  4. Innovation requires eight types of people, the congregation of corporate visionary (visionary), determining the problem (troublesshooter), critic (iconoclast), detectives, artistic craftsmanship (craftman), technocrats, developers (enterpreneur) and flexible designer.
  5. Innovation requires the ability to overcome resistance (barrier jumping), and the courage to try the unique and unusual ideas.
  6. Innovation must be accompanied by a desire to innovate, the atmosphere that encourages innovation and participation due to fun doing new things and create a new name.
  7. Innovation requires the expectations of the future. In a centralized educational system that is practiced in Malaysia, the implementation of educational innovations is the character of plunging through the process from top to bottom.
The process that must be taken to spread the innovation to the recipient is a long and tortuous, involving several levels of distribution. Typically, the spread of innovation is implemented in stereotypes through meetings, courses, workshops, seminars and so forth. Based on this method identified several deficiencies. For example, what is understood by the recipient is not necessarily what is desired by its original presenter. Or, if understood as what is desired, there may not be agreed. In addition to constraints in terms of shift information on educational innovation, the strategy of course is also a high cost, a large number of narrators, many administrative obstacles, to the effectiveness of other systems that are often questionable. Among other problems that exist in educational innovations are as follows: -
  1. Fields or the boundaries of innovation is too broad and general education to get an agreement
  2. Expertise in the field of innovation to be introduced is limited, thus the lack of knowledge and experience about
  3. Study or research that has been made in efforts toward educational innovation is done individually and are some efforts here and there. It is not specialized and do not continue. Thus arises the problem of continuity between studies and the robustness results
  4. Equalization for the purpose of educational innovation often utilize the limited criteria. Obstacles and constraints have limited these criteria to the extent of what has been decided by the authorities and not by the needs arising
  5. Negative effects that occur during an innovative education has been carried out was not recovered. This threatens the credibility of even the effectiveness of the desired innovation.
  6. Support for an educational innovation is not consistent. This means that the support-support that is expected and even required by the administrators, educators and teachers in an effort to ensure the success of innovation is often undermined, not strengthened and continued. This support is necessary, more so at the level of innovation.
  7. There are differences and conflicting opinions among educators themselves in order to obtain educational innovation.
  1. There is a lack of response from the proponents of innovation itself against criticism that comes from the public. Usually if the response is given, it is more of an effort ssuatu pewajaran only of the proponent of innovation, rather than an explanation of technical and empirical.
  2. The existence of confusion on the definitions and requirements of educational innovation among the presenters themselves, and also among the recipients.
  3. There is a tendency among the narrators of innovation take, receive, certify and use of educational innovation in the form of other countries to assume it is something to use in this state.

b. Creative
What is creativity? The various meanings and the meaning has been given to the meaning of creativity. According Majaro (1992) creativity as a thinking process that encourages new ideas in mengeneralisasikan.  Oldham and Cumming (1196) menyatakakan creativity is original, relevant, useful products or procedures to produce new ideas. Nystrom (1979) states of creativity as a new discovery in which they are moving towards a reality. Mumford and Gustafson (1998) mentions the production of creative products and appreciated by the public.  Irving Taylor (1959) also makes the analysis of one hundred definitions of creativity, and classified them into five levels: -
1. Expressive level
2. Earning levels
3. Inventive level
4. Innovative Stage
5. Stage emergentif
In general, all the experts agree is the parts that must be novelty in creativity. Can be summarized in general, that creativity is a combination of new ideas and old ideas. The new idea is needed and old ideas are reviewed and reassessed. It is also a process of review, select, change parts, a combination of information, new ideas and skills.


Creating a creative climate within an organization is necessary to attempt to build an organizational culture that allows the individuals within it to innovate. One key to display creativity in a group or organization is free. That is, an organization must provide to its employees the freedom to decide how to solve the given task. However, according to Amabile organization should have strict control system to grant freedom to the freedom to determine the most appropriate and comfortable in completing a given task or job remains in the corridors of supervision (Henry, 2001). Freedom itself needs a good control and management as well as raise potential conflicts will be very emotional and hostile because of the complexity of the diversity of individuals within the organization itself (Zhou, 2003).
Many people still view creativity as a mental process only, whereas most of the creativity portion shaped by cultural and social environment. Therefore, according to Csikszentmihalyi creativity is not a result of the individual alone, but products from the interaction with social systems (Henry, 2001). The study of creative climate in the organization by Cabra et al in a company in Columbia found that in practice, developing the creative climate in relation to many aspects of the organization (Cabra, 2005). Therefore, developing a climate or culture of creativity and innovation in the enterprise is very important not only to maintain the existence of the organization but also provide comfort to the workers while performing duties assigned by the organization.
Creativity will help the organization to respond to any changes that may occur in a highly competitive business world. Creating creativity in this organization is important because, as mentioned by the Director General of the Department Telelekomunikasi Application of Information and Communication of the Republic of Indonesia, Cahyana Ahmadjayadi that the total number of companies in Indonesia is only 5.17% are engaged in creative industries (Fitria, 2009). Government through the Department of Commerce has identifies 14 sub-sectors of creative industries including: architecture, design, crafts, computer services and software, fashion, music, art and antiques market, publishing and printing, advertising, interactive games, research and development, art performances, television and radio, and video, film, and photography (Firmansyah, 2009). That is, until now the number of companies that promote creativity is less than the total number of companies in Indonesia. Though creativity will greatly affect the ability and the competitiveness of the free market organization.
According to description has been submitted, it is found that developing the creative climate in order to bring the creativity of individuals in organizations not only impact on terdongkraknya organizational ability to innovate and compete in the free market but also provide opportunities to individuals within the organization to actualize its capabilities. Then create a creative climate in the world of work is important to note the organization, particularly for organizations engaged in the business to continue to grow and develop along with the rapid speed of information. This study will then be focused on studying how an organization can create a climate in which creative. Several previous studies that have anything to do with the strategy of individual creativity in organizations appear to state that the social environment also has a large portion in stimulating the emergence of creativity.


a. Organizational Climate

The members of the West defines organizational climate as a physical element, where the climate can be an attribution of the organization or as a self-attribution of individual perception. Simamora stated that the organizational climate is the internal environment or organizational psychology (Kusnan, 2004). Reinforced by Duncon, characterizing the overall organizational climate and physical factors in the social organization (Kusnan, 2004).  Organizational climate as it is important to create a perception of what is provided by the organization and form the basis for determining the behavior of the next. Climate is determined by how well the member directed, developed and valued by the organization (Kusnan, 2004). Kelneer mention the six dimensions of organizational climate (Kusnan, 2004), namely:

1. Flexibility conformity
Fleksibility and comfomity an organization that provides keleluasan conditions for employees to act and to adjust themselves to the tasks assigned. It is associated with the rules of organization, policies and procedures. Acceptance of new ideas is the supporting organization in developing a conducive climate for the achievement of organizational goals.

2. Resposibility
This is related to employees' feelings about the organization that undertook the task with a sense of responsibility for the results achieved, because they are involved in the ongoing process.

3. Standards
Employees' feelings about the condition of the organization where management attention to the task well, destinations, and tolerance for mistakes or things that are less suitable or less well.

4. Reward
This is related to employees' feelings of appreciation and recognition for good work.

5. Clarity
Officials associated with the feeling that they know what is expected of them related to the job, role and objectives.

6. Team Commitment
Associated with employee sense of pride in their own organization and a willingness to do more when needed.

2. Creativity
Amabile defines creativity as the development of ideas That are unique or novel and are deemed to be useful in a Work Situation (Kylenl, 2002). The ability of individuals to produce new ideas and new unique and useful in work situations. According to experts, and creativity have the ability to see things in a different way, not often seen by others. The process involves the creativity of new ideas that are useful, and not unexpected, but can be implemented (Papu, 2008).

3. Schema Model System Creativity
Most people often think that creativity is a mental process fully. Though creativity is more shaped by cultural and social life of the individual. Social environment has two main aspects of cultural and social aspects domain named called the field.  Creativity comes when someone dared to make changes in the domain, a change that will be carried at all times. Csikszentmihalyi believes there are times when an individual can make a difference not only because of personal qualities but also because they have a free exchange for the opportunity to conduct experiments on ideas-ideas (Henry, 2001).

The Systems View of Creativity (Csikszentmihalyi, 1999)

1. Kurt Lewin Field Theory
Lewin describes the man as a person who is in the psychological condition related to certain basic patterns. The focus of study is the relationship between all things in human life, the relationship between the part and the part of the whole system (Alwisol, 2008). The parts or elements are not independent, but organized in a union or the whole (part-whole relationship). At the core field theory trying to describe the current situation (field) where people behave in it. In the tradition of Gestalt, Lewin argues that personality should be viewed in the context of a dynamic field of individual-environment interaction. Psychology should be able to understand the specific interactions of individuals with the environment to make a meaningful prediction (Brennan, 2006). Field Theory initiated by the Lewin can be defined: B = f (PE) = f (Lp).
Behavior (behavior) is a function of the subject (person) and environment (environment) which is a function of sphere Life. This theory was used to try to explain the interactions that occur within an organization in connection with efforts to mestimulasi emergence of the creative thinking of individuals within it, how the environment around the individual has contributed to the rise of creativity. The condition of life-sphere where individuals work will influence the behavior that is not separated from the role of the environment surrounding the psychological field.
Creativity is not just a mental process only, but most of the portion affected by cultural and social environment. Organizations formed a creative means of stimulation environment for proper interaction with the social system. In organizations, which are directly related to the world of work, organizational climate will directly affect the behavior of individuals within it. As a life-sphere of organizational climate will affect the extent to which private individuals will be creative and contribute to organizational innovations in the future.

Creative Climate in the Organization

Isaken opinion is viewed as an organizational climate variables influencing individual and organizational performance as a result of organizational and psychological processes (Hutahaean, 2005). Organizational climate has a relationship to the environment or atmosphere in the organization. The climate is perceived positively by employees will rise to the behavior of innovative behavior is born of the new thoughts are not confined and receive support from the company. Organizations that have a creative climate will facilitate the components inside to think creatively. This means that individuals have a great opportunity to develop itself into a creative person in a company if the company concerned has the organizational climate that supports the growth of creativity.


In the school organization, creativity is seen as a power or force that are important to shaping the development of creativity in school management (Abdul Rahim Abdul Rashid. 2002). Organizational management schools need to be creative to make the school a dynamic learning organization to develop new knowledge, cultural, scientific, technology dissemination and development of human potential. Schools and educational challenges in an era of revolutionary change in the k-economy knowledge and information needs of school information on adopting a variety of changes that occur (Harman, 1998). The vision and mission of the school must be creative to make the school an effective learning organization and progressive (Wall, 1999). Organizational change management requires schools to strengthen the organization's vision could carry, and make the school a center of excellence in science, the spread of new ideas and nurture creative thinking for social change, technology, and create a knowledge society (Fransman, 1999).  Caserani and Greatwood (1995) outlined several measures and strategies needed to encourage creativity in school organizations, taking into account the following matters: -
  1. Creating an environment for the development of creativity
  2. Encourage the development of ideas and opinions
  3. And free flow of information to encourage creativity
  4. Building the environment and workplace organizational climate that encourages creativity
  5. Form the structure of creative problem solving
  6. The development of thought to action

There are different types of creativity that can be developed in the organization of school learning. Taylor (1975) suggests some kind of creativity that follows shows the difference in terms of process, namely: -

  1. Expressive creativity - an expression that occurred independently in the originality and quality does not matter (for example, fingerprints of children)
  2. Technical Creativity - the efficiency of producing a product (for example, a violin)
  3. Inventive Creativity - new inventions produced as mobile phones and the discovery of novel writing
  4. Innovative creativity - kefahahaman and modified the basic assumptions and principles of the alternative approaches
  5. Emergentif creativity - creativity is a complex and rare form that could pave the overall change in the principles or the most basic assumptions and in the abstract.

In schools there are several types of organizational creativity that underlie the development of education in the schools, which include: -
  1. Creativity in the curriculum - this happened a lot in education content, themes and aspects of learning, design and arrangement of learning materials, strategies and implementation of curriculum.
  2. Teaching creativity - touching the rules, approaches, methods, management and organizational learning, planning and implementation of teaching in the classroom and in school
  3. Professional creativity - on teacher development in terms of personality, culture and way of professional development, competence and expertise, new practices, new thinking, adaptation to the prevailing educational innovation and implemented in the profession.
  4. Creativity of thought - have shaped the development of mind, the views of the progressive, open mind, reading and creative knowledge, the outbreak of new ideas that encourage personal development and advancement of education in general.
  5. Creativity in the learning environment - the atmosphere and creativity that have shaped the study places such as classrooms and schools. School climate and classroom dynamic and progressive can be formed if there is a creative approach to learning in most organizations.
  6. Creativity Management - how to run and operate schools, innovation in management systems, relationships, support, advancement of learning, problem solving in relationships and the services offered.
  7. Technological creativity - how technology is used for the outbreak of innovation in teaching, learning and school management. Innovation terknology information and its contribution to creativity and innovation of the school.

Schools need to develop a creative education system to produce the individual and the creative community. Many innovations that can lead to creative change and progress need to be introduced in school learning management system. Creative elements were developed in schools can innovate and make the school more viable to build prosperity and improve human potential. Educational philosophy of the school's vision should be based on the idea of ​​progressive thinking that emphasizes creativity and innovation to develop the school education system.


The main factors contributing to the development of creative and innovative learning is, management, open communication, technology, problem solving, culture, strategy, leadership and thought.

Factors of the development Creative and Innovative Learning


Creativity and innovation in school management can make the school as a learning organization that is free from the shackles of bureaucracy, and it can make the school more dynamic, open, cheerful, efficient and able to handle and solve problems with more friendly and prudent. By expanding the elements of creativity and innovation in school management, freedom and democracy will be developed and shaped the practice of school life. The communication system is an open, democratic flow of information, a prudent school leadership and management philosophy is based on relationships and a harmonious human development can shape the school into an institution of creative and innovative schools.  Creative and innovative management should also be designed based on changes in strategic planning. Planning is done before and was progressive, and centered on the creative and innovative strategies for organizational learning. Management learning organizations involved: -
a. Planning changes
Planning change in the character of micro-and macro-based solution should be more creative and innovative. For example, annual and weekly lesson plan should be designed with a more informative and creatively to improve the quality of teacher education.

b. Knowledge
            Organizational creative and innovative schools in dire need of a teacher who is skilled, knowledgeable, expert, dedicated, professional and have high morale and viable. They are regarded as the driving forces and assets to the development of a learning organization to ensure the quality of education.

c. Teaching and learning strategies
Teaching and learning strategy is effective when it can deliver knowledge more efficiently and is compatible with the vision of the fight. It can also create an atmosphere of learning and encourage students to continue learning. And also to improve on what exists in the students.  Methods and approaches in teaching and learning need to be creative and innovative practices of school teachers. Lessons are designed and implemented to develop the potential, the development of mind, creative thinking and innovative students. Teaching style and approach should also be exciting, enjoyable and free from stress and anxiety. The methods to shape the creative and innovative learning environment and enhance the positive achievements of the students learned something.
Creativity and innovation are shaping a situation can be a fun and effective learning. Students are also free from any emotional stress, feelings and mental. Creative learning students and teachers can be freed from the stress, worry and fear. Teachers also did not practice learning is passive rather autocratic and more participative and active. Effect of creativity and innovation in the organization to shape the school as an institution of learning is interesting, creative, innovative, productive, flexible and effective. Effect of creativity and innovation to make learning more friendly and approachable.  Teaching and learning strategies that are creative and innovative as well as learning to make sense of human development. School of creative and innovative solutions to drive change and improvement of cognitive, effective and psychomotor pupils. Schools can also serve as an effective learning organization to develop the various intelligences (multiple intelligence) to provide learning opportunities to hone and develop the potential of individuals who vary in terms of ability, enthusiasm, intelligence and competency.
Dynamic changes that occur in schools are also due to the positive effect of creativity and innovation, especially in terms of teaching methods. Methods and approaches that more effectively attract and reflect the creativity of teachers who apply and creative contributions of equipment, technology, styles and organizational learning. There are positive effects of teaching and student achievement. Creative and innovative teachers who have skills in terms of personality, divergent thinking, creative thinking, critical thinking and strategic thinking. These skills to make creative and innovative teachers are effective teachers are very important to educational change and school improvement.

d. Curriculum
Brainstorming creativity and innovation in the curriculum is very important for shaping the changes and progress of education are faced with many new changes. Curriculum innovation, including innovation and creativity in content, knowledge and the types of skills to be mastered by students can be judged by how it is implemented. Effective curriculum is the curriculum to meet the needs of individual students. It also provides students with the world of work and talent, potential, thinking, culture, creativity, knowledge, skills and abilities. It requires teachers to use various methods, strategies and approaches that are appropriate and effective with students' needs and circumstances and constraints that exist in schools. Curriculum implementation in general requires teachers to apply knowledge and strategies that are creative and innovative. Teachers also must be committed and dedicated teaching delivered creative and innovative. New strategies and creative teaching methods should be developed among the students so that students can master learning more creative, innovative and effective. To monitor and control the quality of teaching, curriculum monitoring team or teamwork should dubentuk the purpose of promoting innovation and creativity is developed effectively in the school curriculum.

e. Management learning organizations
Quality management and organizational learning should be in accordance with national requirements. It is capable of guiding students to become productive members of society are creative and innovative and also to students who are able to determine their own future directions.


The school leadership plays a significant role towards the outbreak of the learning organization innovation. Apart from having the training, experience, exposure and knowledge in the field of education, school leadership must have the drive and commitment to bring change in schools by expanding the creativity and innovation in all aspects of school management and educational organizations. Leaders need to develop an effective strategy to bring dynamic changes to make schools as learning organizations, creative and innovative. Organizations and schools should have a form of collective leadership to lead change and strategies based on creative and innovative approaches in management education.  The school leadership must show interest and efforts to develop schools as learning organizations, creative and innovative. Dearth of creativity and innovation in the organization of schools may be seen as a major source of institutional weakness in the face of changing schools and the challenges of innovation that occurs in a variety of human life, such as technological innovation, innovative knowledge and learning innovation. The success and development of a learning organization depends on leadership that is creative and innovative. Leaders should be forward looking, open mind, and ready to hear the views of others. They also need to have good credibility in shaping the various reforms in the organization, especially in schools. With the features available, they can drive to improve product quality, intellectual quality and the quality of student performance. Also able to motivate its members and to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the existing members of the organization.


Feature of school culture is that there are creative and innovative learning environment that encourages students to learn the spirit, forming a deep interest, awareness and effort, dedication and development of student potential. Students also have no problem to get guidance from dedicated teachers, trained and professional. School of creative and innovative as well as highlighting the physical excitement, fun environment, culture and fun. This presentation makes the school a place to learn the harmony, and cheer for the psychological development of creativity and innovation occur. Warm feelings and thoughts can also be present in the atmosphere and the warm climate of the school. School is fun, creative and innovative can reduce a variety of social ills and moral undesirable. Highlighting a culture of creativity and innovation can occur in various ways, such as the school of creative activities in science and technology, cultural performances, sports, extra-curricular, and produce certain figures in the creative fields. Images of school organizations are not only dependent on the creative and academic achievement alone, but project the image of excellence in various fields such as music, band, sports and culture. School culture can inculcate good values, positive norms, respect for others, you encourage and provide healthy competition and build the organization.


Management of technology in schools can lead to organizational dynamics and innovation. Technology is not only a tool, but may influence the management system more efficient and creative. Information technology management and use of information communication technology (ICT) to build a new image of an innovative organization. It also makes the organization of school education and learning become more competitive and more productive. Use of information technology and ICT to make more sophisticated and modern management. Perubaha information technology revolution and a positive impact on innovation change management learning organizations, especially schools. However, the use of technology often create problems in terms of cost effective, finance, healthcare, and finance. The problem of lack of infrastructure and technology learning can be viewed as an obstacle to creativity and innovation of information technology should be disseminated through the school system. Efforts to improve information technology literacy as well as the community is not as yet achieved due to technological gap that exists between the facilities of schools, especially among the rural schools are so out of urban schools are more exposed to these facilities. Information technology has been used in many organizations, especially in education. Organizational innovation is influenced by the use of information technology in education. Organizations and individuals who reject the innovation will be missed. The question that arises is how to handle information technology innovations and help the organization. Information technology is a catalyst or a tool of innovation in an organization. Knowledge and learning is a factor contributing to the Information Technology plays a role to manage, innovate and implement change.

Historians of the view that a civilization is going through some phase changes, assimilation, and diversifakasi. Sardar (1979) believes that the strengths and weaknesses were judged by the ability or inability to adjust to the changing environment, and at the same time not losing the identity and origin parameters. Abdul Aziz Yusof (2000) also states the organization is an entity that requires a change to enable it to survive, develop, and grow. Failure to perform or respond to changes in order to cause a failure and that will certainly shorten the life span of its existence. Making changes is also considered as going through the uncertainty and will expose the organization to various risks.  According to Alvin Toffler (1991), the world faces a sudden change in the decade in which our generation is in the third wave of change. As a result, knowledge and information that is replacing traditional resources of land, capital and labor. Relovusi transition from agriculture to the industrial revolution took over 300 years. Scientists cybernetic view of innovation is a natural process in which an organization must be a specific mechanism to address the innovation that causes the external factors and internal processes that are carried by the feedback and response through information and communication systems between humans and systems. In line with technological developments, the Ministry of Education has made several innovations in educational organizations. In the early days of innovation, the Ministry of Education has been providing equipment terknologi-based education such as radio, television, overhead projectors to schools for the teaching and learning helps teachers and students. The ministry also provides educational programs for broadcast to the primary and secondary schools through the Educational Radio and TV. Beginning in 2000, broadcasting TV programs through improved education and expanded to schools in rural and remote areas using satellite technology.

In the early 1990s, the MOE has implemented several ICT-based education projects and the supply of computers as a major activity in the provision of ICT infrastructure. In 1992, a total of 60 secondary schools in rural areas were supplied with 20 sets of computers to students and a set of computers to teachers for each school. In 1994, the MOE has launched a Pilot Project for Computer-Aided Teaching English Language and Mathematics at 15 rural primary schools in the state. Each school was supplied with 21 sets of computers and software education courses provided by the Curriculum Development Centre (CDC). In 1996, the ICT infrastructure be expanded to 209 schools and 20 primary schools. Secondary schools are supplied with 20 sets of computers with one server (server) for the Environment Local Area Network (LAN) without Internet access while in primary schools are not networked computer supplied. Between the years 1999 to 2000, a total of 222 primary and 110 secondary schools across the country have been supplied by 10 sets of computers for every school.

In 2000, the Project Preparation and Physical Infrastructure Computing Primary and Secondary Schools (Computing Project) was introduced in 2.418 for primary and secondary schools in stages with priority to schools with enrollment over 150 and has electricity. Computer laboratory equipped with latest computers with LAN and Internet facilities. These schools provided computer hardware according to the criteria as follows:

  • Enrolment of approximately 400 people received 10 computers, a computer lab and a server
  • Enrolment of 400 to 800 people for a 20 computer, a computer lab, a server and an LCD projector
  • Enrolment of over 800 people received 40 computers, two computer labs, two servers, and an LCD projector

Until late 2000, a total of 18 schools (12 primary and 6 secondary schools) have been equipped with the latest ICT equipment. ICT projects in education have been the catalyst for the move towards e-learning. In addition to adding human resources training, projects can also increase the use and integration of ICT in R & D.  Smart School Pilot Project was initiated in 1999 to propose the provision of ICT environment that is dynamic, flexible, and last for five primary schools and 85 secondary schools. Until the year 2000, a total of 87 schools (4 primary and 83 secondary schools) have been equipped with ICT facilities. Smart School Integrated Solution in the pilot project involves a component of electronic learning materials, computerization of the Smart School Management System, the use of ICT hardware, local area networks and Wide Area Network (WAN). In terms of pedagogical use of ICT as an enabler and a school board, three-level technologies introduced in the pilot project, the level A (model classrooms), B + (limited classroom model) and B (lab model). Supply of computers involves not only the school but to the other parties in the educational organization.


Creative and innovative thinking can be created by asking open questions that students can tap the brain power to produce new ideas and create high level thinking. It encourages the process of accommodation of the restructuring process of assimilation of knowledge and incorporate new knowledge with existing knowledge. Learning organization to develop creative and innovative divergent or lateral thinking, imaginative students.  Psychologists have been studying the phenomenon of creative thinking and innovative in order to explain the results (products) and thought processes. The focus is to be used as a heuristic thinking. Creative thinking and innovative approach to study the thought processes of thought which differ according to the theory put into practice.


Organizational learning is a creative and innovative in order to be based on student-centered learning. This method can improve the knowledge, skills and discover new ideas from students. Also to encourage students to communicate.
Effective learning strategies to develop the potential and latent talents of students and thus can be applied in daily life. Examples that can be used is as brainstorming, problem-based learning, simulations, group work and so forth.


Open communication to encourage the development and advancement of organizational learning. Open communication allows information to be obtained easily without a lot of bureaucratic obstacles. Information obtained from outside the organization can be used to foster creativity and innovation and improving productivity and creativity among students. Information obtained not only flows from the top down but from bottom to top. It can also encourage the search for facts and current information on the development of the organization. The latest information quickly and influence the decisions made to address a variety of learning organization development.

Every day we have been hit by various problems, whether at work, at home or at school. For example, we often hear of students who work as project given its history, math problems, writing essays, mangatakan I do not know without trying. Problem-solving activities bring many benefits to the consolidation of creative and innovative thinking of students (Fisher, 1992).  Problem-solving activities not only increase their knowledge, improve skills and create a certain attitude, but gives teachers the opportunity to observe how students approached the problem, communication and learning.  To determine whether students understand a principle or a point of information is to give the problem to be solved. Problematic patterns of activities also provide opportunities for students to show an ability to apply the principles, methods and theories to the solution of the problem.  The problems faced by individuals or students have a structured and what is not structured. Examples of structural problems such as math and physics problems. For these problems, all necessary information has been prepared or easy to solve. However, in the daily lives of students face many social, ethical, moral and the ambiguous and unstructured, which can not be solved by proper measures. For structured problems, problem-solving process in the order of certain steps. Under the proposed Newell and Simon (1972) problem-solving steps are in the order shown below.
  1. Identify the problem
  2. Defining the problem
  3. Finding solutions
  4. Act
  5. Evaluate the success of the action

So the activities that involve solving problems either in teaching and learning in schools and other programs to developing creativity and innovation of students and teachers.
A renowned researcher, Theresa Amabile draw conclusions from research done for 22 years on condition that allows a person to bring creativity in organizations. Creativity will appear when the three major components held together: expertise, creative thinking skills and motivation. Expertise is meant here is the information-important information that is owned by someone purporting to be facts. More and more facts are known it will be a lot of potential ideas that could be developed into an innovation. Creative thinking skills refer to how an individual flexible and imaginative in finding the most effective approach to solving the problem. If a person has actively explore various alternative solutions that may be used to solve the problem, the greater its potential to be a creative person. The last third portion of the motivation component that is influenced by how much individuals interested in a field. Individual creativity will be more motivated force when he is motivated by personal satisfaction and a challenge to complete the task.
Besides internal factors, there are several external factors that can stimulate the emergence of individual creativity in an organization. One is the environment that encourages individuals to achieve objectives (stimulate the setting of a goal). That is, the organization provides a clear orientation to the workers at the beginning of the target, what is intended by the organization in the future. Other conditions which also will membenwa significant influence in the rise of individual creativity is the conflicts and pressures the individual corner. Thus, individuals will feel challenged to show its best performance (Dubrin, 2006)
Creativity and innovation are key to the competition. Organizations should always dynamic and flexible to face the changes that constantly occur. Departure from this thinking it will automatically organization or company must participate in the competition arena and claimed to be able to respond to any changes to the right if you want to survive and grow. To create a new innovation is needed the creativity of the organization or the company itself. Kylen & Shani (2002) in writing stating that the majority of companies rely on the idea of ​​growth companies, design solutions, products and services that emerge from the creative minds.
The problem according to Leonard & Sensiper is creativity is not something that can occur spontaneously (Kylen, 2002). It was confirmed by Isaken which states that there are many external factors that played an important role in the stimulation and maximize creativity. organizational climate is a variable that affects individual and organizational performance as the effects of organizational and psychological processes (Huatahaean 2005). The climate is perceived positively by employees, will bring an innovative behavior that emerge from the new thoughts that are not constrained and get support from the company.
Creativity will appear when the three major components held together: expertise, creative thinking skills and motivation. Besides internal factors, there are several external factors that can stimulate the emergence of individual creativity in an organization. One is the environment that encourages individuals to achieve objectives (stimulate the setting of a goal). That is, the organization provides a clear orientation to the workers at the beginning of the target, what is intended by the organization in the future.


Innovation and creativity is a contributor to organizational change, growth and development. To create a learning organization is creative and innovative factors that need to be addressed is the management of the organization, leadership, culture, technology, thinking, learning strategies, problem solving and open communication.  Creativity and innovation should be designed or built to suit the needs and requirements of society, individuals and the nation. It also must be free from any worries and fears that are a prerequisite for developing the potential of students who should have the creativity and innovation that is active and viable. Individuals who are creative and innovative should be rewarded with that talent is not just dipersiakan. For teachers who are creative and innovative, they must be constantly reviewing and researching what works and does not work in their profession. They need to ask some question with them. Among the questions are: -
  • How does he feel the quality and quantity or activity in the development of a learning organization?
  • How does he build and reinforce the factors that have contributed to the success of the past?
  • How does he remove or prevent obstacles that interfere with the activity?
  • How does he set goals for and measure the suitability of the development of new learning activities?
  • Division where he most need to improve the development process of new learning outcomes?

So, clearly shows the characteristics of creative and innovative solutions not only exist in one individual only, but it is closely linked to the contributor or other factors such as leadership, thought and culture of an organization to determine the success, development and growth of an organization, especially an educational organization. In general there are two factors trigger the creativity of individuals within the organization. The first is the internal factor is derived from the individual expertise, creative thinking skills and motivation. While external factors that can bridge the emergence of creative individuals in the organization of Resources, Responses to Societal, Political and Cultural Condition, Trust, Responsiveness, Leadership Style, Freedom, Synergy, Dynamism, Idea Time, and Self-confident Building. External factors are stimulating the emergence of more creative individuals. Within the organization, organisasilah climate that will stimulate the emergence of many acts of individual creative ideas in it. The climate is perceived positively by employees, will bring an innovative behavior that emerge from the new thoughts that are not constrained and get support from the organization.


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